Sunday, February 21, 2010

Photos: Lincoln Park Conservatory

It's been a monster of a week, and I haven't had any time to finish the various daily posts I've begun, one of which was simply photos, with minimal commentary, of Carnival/Carnaval and Mardi Gras celebrations around the country and globe, so instead, here are some shots I took--meaning they're very easy to link to--from a recent trip to the Lincoln Park Conservatory, one of the Windy City's real treasures.  While I can't be in Brazil, or Trinidad, or Dominican Republic, or even New Orleans, I was able to spend a little time amid the flora from those places and other parts of the world, which really did lift my spirits after the last few weeks on end of gray coldness, broken by...snow!  It's not the same as costumes and steel drums, or the sun really annealing you in all that joy and fun, but the color and warmth at least will suffice, especially since it's snowing (again) here, but really sticking this time. (The cars in the alleyway just a marble's toss from where I'm sitting as I type htis are already completed entombed in white.)

But, back to those plants and flowers:
The entryway pond
The entryway pond
Sausage tree pod
A sausage tree pod
A camellia
Orchids, in the orchid room
In the fern room
Newlyweds being photographed in the fern room
Pitcher plant
Pitcher plants, in the orchid room
Cattleyea (sp?) orchid
A cattleyea orchid, one of the most popular variations
Vanilla plant
Vanilla plant
I want to say these were daffodils, but I may be wrong
Japanese camellia
Another pond
One of the ponds
Red wing azaleas
Flamingo flower
Flamingo flower
Someone snapping a photo of downtown Chicago
Outside, (another photographer facing) towards downtown Chicago
The beach (Lake Michigan)
A few weeks back: the beach and Lake Michigan (under a tarpaulin of snow)

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