Sunday, September 02, 2007

Photos: Away

Carnaval costumes, Museo del Hombre Dominicano

One of the early Dominican modernist works (title unknown)

Antonio Prats Ventós "El Bosque"

At the Museo del Hombre Dominicano, from the 2nd floor

Another one of the regional Carnival costumes

A Persian rug repairer, in the Zona Colonial

The construction of a second Chinese arch, Chinatown, Santo Domingo, off Avenida Mella (the strip through the 'hood)

Two men on the pier, Playa Guayacanes

Submerged piers and beach houses, Playa Guayacanes

Dominican brotha stylin, on the way back to Santo Domingo

I'm not even sure where we were heading (?)


  1. y'all look so cute! and relaxed! happy travels...hope you'll talk about some of that art when you get back.

  2. Audiologo, I'm going to try, and thanks for posting!

  3. As always, it was good seeing you guys again. Don't stay away so long next time.

    As ever,
