Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Random Photos

A few photos from the last two months (I'll post more photos under topic-specific blogposts); the humidity and heat have mostly kept me indoors (think heat-induced kidney stones), but when I've gotten out, I have tried to snap photos. I should probably just start taking my camera with me in addition to my phone, since it seems to take 3 times as long to turn on and open my camera app as it once did....

Man with a parrot (he asked me spe-
cifically not to photograph his face,
only the bird's, which is why his is obscured)
Street-discarded treat
Avoiding germs on the subway
Literary World Cup
at the Mid-Manhattan Library
Mass yoga session,
Bryant Park
Man with his "pet" bee,
L train to Williamsburg
Uh huh...the "pet" bee
Cover of Ernest Montgomery's
new sumptuous collection of photos,
Dominicanos (Bruno Gmünder, 2014)
Grand opening of H&M
flagship, on Fifth Avenue
A frolic at Grove Street,
Jersey City
Painted man, after a musical
performance, Grove Street,
Jersey City
The rear of Jeff Koons' massive
arboreal Split-Rocker, at
Rockefeller Center 
Split-Rocker, from the front
Desperate living (read the sign)
Giant roll of paper (or tissue?),
Street work, Chelsea

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